
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

10 Top Things that I want to do before I die....

  1. Yoga School/Ashram in India
  2. Live in Italy
  3. Live in Asia
  4. Save the Dolphins and Whales
  5. Travel across the world for a year
  6. Yoga photography in Angkor Wat, Cambodia
  7. Meet Anthony Bourdain
  8. Meet the Dali Lama
  9. Get a Tattoo by a monk 
  10. Surf the waves in the most incredible oceans in the world

Monday, May 17, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I love these...

These looks are a breath of fresh air....

Monday, May 10, 2010

Ladies that I adore...

Shannyn Sossamon - I love her style. She is a mother, actress, dancer, drummer and beautiful eclectic mix of French, Hawaiian, Dutch, Irish, Filipino and German.

Rachel Zoe - I'd Die and Love her styling expertise! I enjoy her over sized accessories, bell bottom jeans, baggy or flowy shirts and beautiful dresses.

Grace Jones - She exudes the F from FIERCE!! Enough said...

Tina Chow - The fashion icon in the 70's and 80's who played with friends such as Malahno Blahnik, Andy Warhol, who were the staples of Studio 54 and amongst others alike. Tina Chow was born to a Japanese mother and German father. She married Mr. Chow, the owner of Chow restaurants. Tina Chow had sexual affairs with Richard Gere and a bisexual French fashion arbiter Kim d’Estainville. 
From d’Estainville, she contracted HIV, becoming one of the first heterosexual women to become infected with the disease that would eventually end her life.

Edie Sedgwick - In spite of her troubled life and experienced resurgence, I adore her angelic beauty and then innovative style.
Sade - Simply the best! 

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Poetry: Once upon a thought...

Sometimes I feel that my world has come crashing down before me.  Loosing control of the situation and feeling the ultimate harsh conveyance of what was said. Words so descructive that can shatter a soul. Breaking my spirit into tiny little pieces that molds into a box without any windows. Feeling stuck in a hard place but cannot break free, only feeling each pieces of my faulty existence in the dusk.

Then I think to myself, only I can allow this. So, should I stay or should I go?