
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 16

I wish everyone well and the universe with peace, love and harmony!

Ohm Shanti Shanti

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Week 3/ Day 15

"Sometimes we can feel disconnected from the Universe, but it is always there for us, take a breath and reconnect."

Ohm Shanti Shanti

Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 4, 5 & 6

Day 4 - It was a wonderful class with candlelight yoga and live music.  We made a dedication after class:

"Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Ohm Shanti Shanti....."

And I enjoyed it.

Day 5 - Anusara....the more I take Anusara, the more I am enjoying it and so does my body.  Taking 5 breathes at each posture and focusing on your alignment while using Tantric Philosophy is about gaining inner peace and learning how to relate to your practice. Some say that Tantric Philosophy is a process of learning how not to be selfish, and serving the needs of others first. In the process, you will be happier and lead a higher quality life.

How does the philosophy relate to my practice? The following quote will serve the purpose of understanding:

“Flowing with Grace, anusarena, we experience our inner worth, we align our bodies, our minds and hearts in the current of the Divine flowing through us, we celebrate life itself as we touch the Divinity who pulsates within us as our every thought, feeling, and experience.”
~~Dr. Douglas Brooks

Day 6 - What a wonderful morning! I love waking up to mornings like these! Yoga today was slow and peaceful.  I actually took the last 15 minutes of class, stayed in savasana, and took a nap. It felt great!

Later on....I had some revelations and shared that common understanding with a loved one.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 3

Sometimes you just have to accept things for what they are and just let go...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 2

Sore from yesterday's high endurance practice, I took it alot easier in tonight's Power Yoga Level 2-3.

Mostly, my eyes were closed so I can concentrate on my breathwork while engaging the root lock.

As I went into bakasana, I knew to be gentle with my practice since I was a little shaky.

I was careful not to go overboard or even proceed to try the other difficult postures. Instead, I held back and kept breathing while listening to my body as I embraced others Eka Pada Koundinyasana II.

Soon enough, I will be embraced while flying through Eka Pada Koundinyasana....

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 1

I had no idea that I had a hidden endurance in my core, which I am proud to say that my mulabhanda has finally kicked in after all these years.
Today was a great first day with Ashtanga Level 1-2. I listened to and followed my teacher's voice, Shawn, as he focused on the core muscle and to always synchronize your breath with your postures as you tighten your core.
I felt weak in other places, but I finally got it. It all begins with the core, the mulabhanda, the root lock.
I feel great and am ready for more...

The best things in life are not free!

Cirque de Soleil Viva Elvis was the worst show ever!!

I can't believe I missed yoga for that!! Oh well, prep day was yesterday....all veggies, nicotine and caffeine free.

Today is officially DAY 1 and I can't wait for some Adho Mukha Svanasana in Ashtanga!!